Reading food waste plans approved – trials coming this October

Food waste bins collection will come to some homes in October, after plans were approved on Monday evening.

The Reading Borough Council (RBC) scheme will start with a trial in certain areas in October before a full rollout in February 2021.

As well as introducing food waste bins, the council will remove 240l grey bins, and replace them with smaller 140l bins.

But concerns have been raised over one part of town, which one councillor said already struggles with overflowing bins.

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Councillor David Stevens said he is concerned about the reduction of bins from 240l to 140l bins in Abbey ward, where he lives.

He said “people struggle with their bins already” on roads such as Zinzan Street and Baker Street and asked the council to be “reactive to what happens” if there are “piles of rubbish developing”.

But councillor Tony Page responded: “The whole purpose of the early adopters is represent a cross-section of the challenges in the town and the area close to where he represents probably the most challenging area of town.

“If we can crack it here, we can crack it anywhere.”

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Councillor Adele Barnett-Ward, lead member for Neighbourhoods and Communities, said the trial will allow it to “iron out the wrinkles”.

Larger households or those with a demonstrable need will be able to keep larger bins but Cllr Barnett-Ward, said she believes this will not be necessary for most households.

Speaking about the plans, she said: “It’s a very exciting prospect. It will reduce the amount we send to landfill and the amount of methane generated by Reading’s waste.

“It’s frustrating that we have had to delay it, but it is important we get it right and I am sure we are all very appreciative of the hard work of the teams through the lockdown.

“Now we are at a point where we can proceed. It is sensible to take it slowly with the early adopter areas.

“We have identified areas that are operationally difficult and also areas where recycling rates are low.

“Any problems we could find in other areas, we will be able to identify in the early adopter areas.”

These are the areas where food waste bins will come first.

Reading Borough Council’s (RBC) Policy committee also approved £1.3 million plans to revitalise Reading’s high streets at the meeting.

Reading was one of 69 councils across the country selected for the Historic England fund.

Click here for more details on the plans.

Reading Chronicle