The new supermarket will open in Station Road, a busy street running between Reading train station and the rest of the town centre.
A rumour has emerged that the store will open on Thursday, January 30.
This Sainsbury’s will be the third in the town centre, joining the other stores in Friar Street and Broad Street.
Plans for the new supermarket in Station Road emerged last year.
These plans involved the advertising consent for Sainsbury’s trademark orange branding, and the installation of double swing doors, an ATM for cash withdrawals and two anti-ram raid bollards.
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Two planning applications, references PL/24/0763 and PL/24/0762 were approved by Reading Borough Council in August last year.
The supermarket giant also won licensing consent to sell alcohol off the premises from 7am to 11pm each day of the week.
An application for alcohol sales emerged last June, with no representations against the application being received by the council’s licensing department.
Sainsbury’s has been contacted for an update to confirm the opening date.
The building the supermarket will occupy, called Brunel House, was previously occupied by the Royal Bank of Scotland, which has been closed for years.
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